HOMEPAGE England Expected?
This site is being built from scratch as part of our attempt to halt the corrupt establishment I had a Userid with British Telecom BT I had loads of content that was stored and like most people did not take adequate backups. I am a male and I ain't as efficient as a woman when it comes to admin or reading instructions (brainwashed by my wife). Anyway BT removed my userid they apparently warned me but this ISP did not save my content for my future use they unilaterally deleted it. Hence lost loads of data. I recalled an Article I read in 'The New Scientist' June 1999 ' Without a Trace' in which the UK government deliberately destroyed complaint emails before they were received by the government department. This was contrary to the then recent Freedom of Information Act and we were told it would be stopped. Then we get a company like BT (now in private hands) destroying userids and there is nothing apparently we can do. We are supposed to have protection against this but every facet of the UK establishment is corrupt so I will not waste my time going through the stress of complaining about BT. Does seem very strange when I had this userid for many years and then when I begin exposing the corruption in our justice system BT delete my userid? What would you think? Back to the UK. I have set up this site to expose the corruption that is going on in the Legal System and our corrupt British establishment. In fact the site is intended to expose a myriad of dishonest practices that occur in our corrupt country. Please do not believe all the drivel from the establishment that we have the best Justice System in the World, we have the best of everything according to our establishment. If we are using superlatives in the sense of the very best then we can 'pat ourselves on the back' as yes indeed we are at forefront of corruption in every Banking System, every Insurance mis-selling, every PFI, every Court, 'WE ARE SIMPLY THE BEST, BETTER THAN ALL THE REST'. We are in the midst of a coup, I do not know who is pulling the strings but you can be sure that throughout Britain and probably the rest of the world someone is taking our freedoms away. Corruption is rife in the UK. It is the right wing of our society and it is aided by the idiots who continue to support right wingers. When you vote for right wingers look at the dross we end up with Trump the big D. Bogsie Johnson, the Bushes, Tory Blair who destroyed the Labour Party which gave us in the UK the NHS. The Americans voted for Trump thank goodness goodbye yellow brick hairdo!. There are eminent erudite individuals like Noam Chomsky who for decades has warned us about the right but we will all soon reap the incarcerations and loss of freedoms. Even the Communists under Mr. Pingu (??) are corrupt. There is obviously nowhere left in the world we can seek asylum. I assume most of you will see me as some sort of conspiracy theorist but if you read on you will make your own judgement and see whether my rationale has any merit. Although it may be getting too late to do anything about it. The pandemic we are all suffering with and the thousands of deaths that have occurred because some of you voted for an incompetent bunch of right wingers who introduced real poverty - food banks you should be ashamed of yourselves for believing anything they tell you. All you end up with is more Michael Goves (British MP exposed for stabbing Caesar Johnson in the back ' et tu Govius'. All that money wasted on your education? Every aspect is bent - our councilors, our politicians, our Ombudsmen and the Justice Criminals (judges etcetera) not one can hold their head up high. Even the not so royal family with certain individuals saying they would assist with certain investigations but appear to do nothing if we believe that our justice system is so great and it is mirrored in so many other countries then this member of the family should have no fears about assisting in investigations? Done nothing wrong - nothing to fear? If this individual respects the justice system they have nothing to fear. I have evidence that shows Solicitors are corrupt, Barristers are corrupt and worst of all Judges are corrupt. I will, also, show that our Police are corrupt (but you probably know that anyway). I will show that the Solicitors Regulatory Authority SRA is just a cover up corrupt organization that needs to be brought to independent justice and then disbanded. The OJC Office for Judicial Complaints set up to curb Judges is a corrupt organisation a waste of time and external legal action taken against them and then should be disbanded. This quango (?) has such a limited remit that there is no official body to reign in our bent Judges. The biggest shock to me is that Judges are corrupt they are complicit with what Solicitors and Barristers want! Freemasons or just right wing lackeys? I am openly challenging any Judge that I name to take me to any Legitimate court where it can be in open court NOT in camera - for all to see and let us put it in the public domain with a jury and they can accuse me of defamation or contempt of court or anything else that they can dream up. The contempt one will be dismissed easily as I am in contempt of bent Judges but knowing how corrupt they are I am probably guilty, ignorance of the corrupt legal system is obviously a criminal offence. I would prefer that any case be under magistrates and a jury an amateur one not the professional one the guilty judges bully and oversee. It was another right winger in the Labour Party Jack Straw who stopped people asking bent judges if they were freemasons. Well done Straw your father would have been proud of you. The people in his constituency knew about Straw. Do some investigative journalism you newspaper reporters - if you dig out some old library books they will tell you how to investigate criminals as you seem to have lost this ability. The information is out there. If the (CPR) CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES are unintelligible that is my fault oh! okay! It is wonderful that we can waste so much money on a bunch of criminal judges when the money should be spent on our NHS the Law should be simplified so that we do not have to put up with the archaic stupidity we are forced to listen to, the Law is not a science it is capable of being interpreted by anyone with a smattering of common sense. Let's have it translated into modern day parlance and not be hidden by the crooks (solicitors, barristers etc.) we have now. We should bring it down to the lowest common denominator so that even our politicians can understand it. We do NOT need accountants put the stuff in the public domain do not waste your hard earned money on these parasites buy a software package or similar. Some of the bent judges may have tried to stand up to whoever controls them initially but orders are orders. My intention is to set up the 'Noballs Prizes' Ceremony to give our most bent Judges prestigious awards for those with the superlative inability to stand up for justice and not be in the back pockets of criminals like the body that controls them whoever they are? Be it Solicitors, Barristers or whoever controls them. Supplementary Prizes for those that are in the solicitors and barristers pockets for our most blatant and weakest bent Judges. It appears that there is nothing that can be done to stop them. I will show you that any so-called measures to expose these corrupt people merely pays lip service and bodies set up to protect us are a waste of time and resources if you try to expose them. I can only give a limited insight at this stage because I am probably going to be incarcerated or even worse be labeled a government scientist and end up committing assisted suicide against my will in some field somewhere. At least I may be spared any rendition into Bellmarsh or Tunisia or wherever these new Butliz are located. I am seeking your help in various ways Other changes to follow. By giving the following information in subsequent pages I may be making myself in contempt of court I am challenging the bent Judges from Exeter CC Court and Brighton CC Court ( CROWN AND COUNTY) to have me arrested as being in contempt. I have no other choice but to break the law (if that is what I am doing) and begin my civil disobedience. By my actions because I am actually in contempt of the Judges which is not illegal, I may be making myself in contempt of Court in order to expose these Judges. I have been forced to bring this site forward earlier than I wanted due to certain bent judges in Exeter and Plymouth courts and having my emails destroyed by BT. A lot of this site is still under construction and I apologize for this.
Please click on a link below. |
Crowd Funding | |
The following Judges are named from the latest foray into our corrupt justice system in the UK. Illegal entry was made by enforcement officers who had NO warrant from a legitimate
court, they used a fake fraudulent I seek custodial sentences for each of the judges named below. Judge Leech, judge Griffiths, judge Payne, judge Venn and judge Simpkiss. The people below are further corrupt criminals and I seek damages and where mentioned custodial sentences. I seek a custodial sentence for Mary Marriott from EON. I seek a custodial sentence for the solicitors from Browne Jacobson Luke Berry et al. I seek custodial sentences for each enforcement officer, Anglin and Muggeridge. from Court Enforcement Services. I seek custodial sentences for each person in Court Enforcement Service that has deliberately lied in their Complaints procedure names later. I seek damages for the breach of contract by LV Insurance Company of Bristol. I seek damages from Solicitors Lyons Davidson of Bristol for aiding and abetting Insurers LV in their breach of contract. In view of the fact that the following alleged corrupt judges had decided to ignore all the evidence. I have decided to seek your help. The following have all ignored the legal requirements of the CPR (Civil Procedure Rules) this makes the Solicitors and judges named potentially guilty of misfeasance. As they have ignored the LAW and decided that it is permissible to break into peoples' homes without a legitimate Warrant from a LEGITIMATE court then although I believe the Law DOES NOT allow this and these bent judges and solicitors and COURT ENFORCEMENT SERVICE COMPANY AND THEIR EXTORTIONISTS BREAK INTO OUR HOMES (YOU may / WILL BE NEXT (and all the other people ruined by the consequences of the pandemic being put out of work and having voted for politicians who AIN'T interested in the less well off in society). As they MUST (?) be right as they are judges and you now can break into anyone's property WITHOUT A WARRANT. I am sure that cannot be right but our judges have deemed it is okay. I NOW SEEK THE HOME ADDRESSES OF JUDGE LEECH, JUDGE GRIFFITHS, JUDGE PAYNE (AROUND EXETER I ASSUME ), JUDGE LEECH (MAYBE PLYMOUTH), JUDGES VENN AND SIMPKISS MAYBE AROUND BRIGHTON. If you know their HOME addresses could you kindly email me as I wish to publish their HOME addresses on my site so that anyone can go to their property without a Legitimate Warrant from a legitimate court you, obviously, do not need one, as the Northampton court is fraudulent anyway. If anyone has the HOME address for anyone from Court Enforcement Services I will print it on my site. If anyone has the Home addresses for anyone from Browne Jacobson Solicitors in Exeter I will publish these. If anyone has the HOME Address for Mary Marriott of EON then I will publish her address. If anyone has the address of the CEO of EON Michael Lewis I will ask him to explain why one of his people used a fake court and demanded and extorted money with threats and menaces from people who had nothing to do with a non-existent debt. I seek the dismissal of Mary Marriott. She instigated the fake court fraud and I seek a custodial sentence for fraud. I seek substantial damages from EOn for myself my wife and the alleged debtor our relative. I seek substantial damages from each of the above miscreants and incarceration for certain individuals and dismissal in certain cases with loss of title where required. According to these eminent judges and the other people you do not need a warrant from a legitimate court just force your way in and take pictures of all their property and threaten to take their property away and then they must prove they own it and if they do not have proof just keep it. I would advise that entering their property may not be right and this is not my advice and I, personally, would not recommend it but if the bent judges 'et al' above ignore it ---it must be okay? If after I have their addresses and post them and you feel that you can go and extort money from these miscreants (NOT MY ADVICE) then I suggest you hire some thugs like those from Court Enforcement Services they are about 2m tall with the brainpower of your above average solicitor or barrister as they too are accomplished liars, which will help your cause greatly. Good luck but again I do not recommend this as I do not have the 'juris prudentes ' to proffer such advice. Plymouth CC Court judge Leech from my latest foray from 2018 Exeter CC Court judge Griffiths and judge Payne from my latest foray from 2018 Brighton CC Court judge Venn and judge Simpkiss from my latest foray from 2018 The above named criminals are guilty of misfeasance and I am looking for custodial sentences for each of them. I have given them a lower case 'j' as in judge as when they are removed from office and convicted then they will lose their titles. I would like the Home addresses of Mary Marriott from EON I assume she lives around Nottingham or Northampton. She originally filed this false claim. The judges having ignored the fact that this alleged criminal used this fake court you can go to her home and take the same course of action as against the alleged bent judges above. In addition I seek the HOME address of Simon Williamson from Court Enforcement Services as this will be for publication. I do apologize for giving their HOME addresses as I am sure under the circumstances of their extortion and not NOW having a legitimate judicial system with honest judges that this can only be the course of action that these other people will take. I iterate that I do not recommend this action but these alleged orthogonal (more acute than bent) people deem it is okay and I am not as erudite as they are in the LAW. I seek the HOME addresses of the alleged criminals LUKE ANGLIN AND JACK MUGGERIDGE. They live around the south east somewhere. These are the two enforcement officers who threatened my wife and broke in without a legitimate warrant and lied to the Police. These are two of the thugs that our alleged bent judges are aiding and abetting. Please help if you can email me their HOME addresses. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! PLEASE IGNORE THE FOLLOWING FOR THE MOMENT FROM 2003 TO DATE The following is my first foray and is still under construction. I hope you can see from the lengthy process above how we have been pushed around by our system l have tried to follow the correct procedures which is what I did below. It has involve thousands of hours getting nowhere regurgitating the same thing over and over only to discover that the bums (yes bums send you around another diversion that entails more communication). I do have a solution for the next election that will do away with Party politics, bent Legal system and all the other dross they bring up it is too early to bring it online. With regards to Politicians down here they voted for another Tory Plonker an ex BBC man Simon Jupp I have written to him many times and eventually some months ago he wrote and said he would get back to me he has not but it is nice to see that he is well and can get himself in some photo shoots in our local journal. Glad to see you are out and about and helping us all see how you are helping yourself. I do hope that I am allowed to LIVE until that day we can get rid of the present Establishment. Please I am not an eminent Scientist (I do have a Degree in Mathematics and I believe the world is dish shaped and we live in the bowl please look at the profile of your shoes study them they curl up at the end so you must be walking in a bowl I am not generally acknowledged as a great mind on this theory) but I am NOT a Scientist and I am sure that the weapons of mass destruction did exist as the great Tory Tony Blair told him when he communicated with his God and informed God that he had seen it in the BURNING w BUSH. Sorry about that I am trying to bring myself back to some sort of sanity by being my usual lighthearted self (Failed haven't I? ). Please allow me to live a few more years and not under the conditions that our judges have done to Julian Assange you really are a sick bunch. That is torture what you are doing.. Those of you who are more enlightened please do not let anything like this happen any more. From 2010 managed to finally get it to court despite bent solicitors dragging it out to purloin the Legal expenses insurance Case was over a boundary dispute brought on by our ex-neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Cole (who are now divorced as I understand and they have vacated their address and are now neighbours to some other unfortunate people. More information to follow on the named worst neighbours. Mr. Cole an ex Marine Trainer has an MBE for climbing the third largest mountain in the Himalayas please do a little detective work and see what you see????? Not the team leader substitute based on short straw lottery. Main bent
judges from this case were from Exeter CC Court
Re Exeter court CASE F3QZ23MC On this page is a summary of all the bent systems that I have come across since November 2018. Claimants James VEE and Partner names withheld. 1. Break in by fake enforcement agents. Non compliance with their rules. They had no warrant said a debt existed for a relative from Scotland later disproved all their lies and the lies from Eon issued by Mary Marriott. The claim was for an alleged debt by a relation in Scotland. Defendants are Court Enforcement Services. 'CES' I took out a Claim using legitimate court forms but later discovered that the claims that you submit are through a bent court. NCCBC Northampton County Court Business Centre. Fraudulent court. If you use a claim form in future DO NOT TAKE THE CHEAPER option through the online claims use the pretend legitimate court until I can destroy the fake NCCBC. We must aim for custodial sentences for bent judges 2. No warrant or IDs shown, = Illegal entry and trespass. No Legal instrument shown to gain access. No formal initial letters of compliance ever shown to claimants CES are obliged to send these prior to attendance NEVER DONE they are obliged to inform those being served with forewarning and if the attendance is at a property that the plaintiff does not reside in then they must in addition inform the owners of that property via a legal instrument though a legitimate court these things were NEVER done. At No stage has a legitimate court been involved. 3.. Forced entry. I rang the Police and I was arrested unlawfully now under subjudice I am suing Police I cannot reveal too much at this stage. I was handcuffed in my home for over an hour. 4. Defendants Lied to Police 5. Police aided and abetted Illegal search and taking of photos. No warrant shown to Police. Police did not carry out their duty in accordance with their roles. 6. Illegal Arrest of Claimant this is under sub-judice more of this later. 7. Threats and demands with menace made by Enforcement thugs. Extorted money from Claimants. Damage and psychological damage perpetrated on Claimants. 8. Claimants then after the blackmail (extortion) then Investigated and did many hours of research to discover a false claim made by EON Fuel Suppliers for a 'TIME BARRED CLAIM' through a fake court known as Northampton County Court Business Centre (NCCBC) this is NOT a legitimate court there are NO judges and they issue fake claim forms they are a fraudulent COMPANY that is now aided and abetted by our bent Solicitors bent barristers and bent legitimate Judges. 9. Forced my partner under duress and extortion to pay a debt that later we discovered was Statute barred as it was out of time under Scottish Legislation. 5 years to claim a debt from Scotland 6 years in England the debt was false anyway as debt never existed and even if it had existed IT was STATUTE BARRED AS EON HAD MISSED THE DEADLINE BY one year. The debt which we have shown never existed it belonged to a relative from Scotland that had been receiving benefits for their Electricity and these were paid directly to the company EON. There were NO DEBTS. The relative was forced to leave Scotland as a new neighbour moved in that was incredibly anti-English you would be amazed at the ill feeling still persisting in Scotland towards the English by certain people. She was forced to leave in 2012. Proof was provided. EON then took the false claim to the fake NCCBC. The relative having been forced out of their property at short notice had to look for safety in England but stayed we believe in the far north of Scotland and they asked if they could have all their outstanding mail delivered to our address we said okay under the circumstances hence the false belief by EON and the corrupt thugs from COURT ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CES company associating the so-called debtor with our address. They just assumed she was staying with us but that still did not allow them to break in without going through the rules they were obliged to attend a LEGITIMATE court and apply for permission from a legitimate judge (if such an entity as a legitimate court exists anymore). 10. Released from my handcuffs as the Police had arrested me for not allowing these house breakers and blackmailers (extortionists) to go through all our property contrary to all the laws and regulations available to protect the public from bent enforcement companies bent companies like EON and now having discovered BENT judges and a fake court. 11. The trespassers demanded that we pay out for this debt of nearly £2,400 I was sitting in my lounge in handcuffs and told my wife who was extremely distressed that she should not pay this it was not our debt and their was no warrant but they threatened my wife with removal of our property unless she paid this debt and we would have to pay for it to be returned . This was false in so many ways. My wife paid them and the debt jumped an additional £2,000 . More of the reasoning behind this later. After my partner paid out more than £4,300. The robbers left I was released from my arrest. Remember this was never our debt the debt had been time barred and as it belonged to a relative from Scotland and there was no debt anyway as EON were being paid directly from the relative's benefits. 12. Began the complaints process. Now unfortunately it gets hundreds of times worse. 13. Wrote to my Insurers LV of Bristol (please get out of this bent company as soon as you can). I had (LEI) Legal Expenses Insurance with LV (of Bristol despite calling themselves Liverpool Victoria revoke this name it besmirches Liverpool ). If you do not know what this is it is an optional Insurance that protects you against civil cases and you can get a solicitor to take on your case under things like TRESPASS, boundary disputes the caveats are that usually you have to take one of their bent group of solicitors. In addition your claim must be winnable by the slim margin of > 51%. Fair enough a nice low figure but this LV sent my claim to a bent solicitors in Bristol (what is wrong with this city?) the solicitors were Lyons Davidson they said I did not have a case. I hope you agree that I certainly did have a case and it fell within the trespass terms and conditions. But LV of Bristol would not honour my contract and refused. So that entailed me going through all the bureaucratic crap of a thing called ARCLEGAL a sort of mediator that decides UNfairly that you as the customer / client are wrong and the bent LV of Bristol or similar is right. So no surprise here this was now into many months of getting nowhere. So the next hurdle is the Ombudsman system well do not bother with this lot unless there is something trivial and they will then pay out to pretend they are a protection against corrupt insurers like LV of Bristol Companies that pay the Ombudsmen have to pay out a small penalty that will make Joe Public think they are doing something. The reason I got refused is because I am challenging the fake Northampton County Court Business Centre and if I succeed and have it closed it will reveal al the bent Judges, bent Solicitors, bent barristers and they would have to do something about it. The bums in LV will be named soon. Please also write to WHICH and tell them that LV do NOT honour contracts and WHICH should remove their recommendations of LV. Where are they going to get their backhanders from this illegal source of money would be gone. No more breaking into people's homes no more bent enforcement companies no more crap BBC programmes like the Sherriffs are coming etc. The BBC et al should be going for the big boys like bent judges, bankers what a waste of money the BBC is who are so afraid of losing their licence fee will not dare attack the Tories. The BBC is and always was a tool of the Right wing. Check it out. Now they do not produce any news unless it is celebrity garbage or adverts for their inane programmes like Strictly become a Tory (I think). 14. I discovered that the Ombudsman system is funded by the very people you want to complain about independent or what? More about these later it seems that all the people working under the Ombudsman at lower levels after communicating with some of them abide by Shariah Law. Anyway suffice to say I got nowhere these bums are not going to kill the golden goose that funds some of the other bent systems. They attack the individuals who are easy targets and most vulnerable. If you have any relatives or ex-friends that are in any of these bent groups ask them face to face if they are bent. If you are the progeny of any of these bums (particularly judges) I am sorry but you have no reason to be proud of them if I succeed with help from others and have them incarcerated then I hope they will change their ways but I fear we have gone passed that. 15. As you can imagine having been forced to go through all these time consuming hoops and getting nowhere especially from corrupt Insurers LV of Bristol get out from these ASAP. 16. Took out a legitimate claim used the online claims it is cheaper. But later discovered that the online claims source is the very bent fraudulent court. Northampton County Court Business Centre. NCCBC. They cannot issue the track that your claim must follow that must be done by a so-called legitimate court like Exeter CC Court or Brighton CC Court (both NOW corrupt courts with bent judges). Exeter court sent me a letter saying they would tell me what the track would be they never did. Leech has now made a ruling without telling me the track or my attendance in his bent court. 17. Having been put through the wringer by all the other corrupt companies I now had to face the fact that the so-called legitimate courts are bent. I wrote in the first instance to Brighton court Judges to complain about the bent enforcement agents Mr. Muggeridge and Mr. Anglin this is where the criminals obtain their licences (at a fee) for enabling them to break into people's homes. Of course the bent judges do not want to lose this revenue stream so they tell me that their thugs have not done anything wrong and clears them. The two bent judges from Brighton Court are judge Simpkiss and judge Venn I challenge them to take me to a court and claim defamation. A court without any bent judge or jury that they can control. I get nowhere, still expending all this time because I am forced to follow their corrupt procedures that these legal bums lay down. I hope you can appreciate all the stress and hardship that we have been through because of the criminals. I am trying to be as brief as I can and have not dealt in the fullest way of the hurdles that were put in my way by CES a corrupt Enforcement company. You NOW have no protection against them they are aided and abetted by a bent legal system. 18. Get my claim passed to Exeter Crown and County Court. They write to me and ask me what track the claim should follow. After all the exhaustive empirical investigation I believed that the only track was a Crown Court (Criminal action not a simple small claim track) as Brighton Court were aiding the bent enforcement company. Exeter Court then sent me in another loop they denied I had a case at all and dismissed the case unless I submitted a form with a set aside order etc (more legal crap) this was delivered so late in the day that I only had a few days to submit it to court and pay the £255 fee. I then received a notice to attend court and then I discovered that the corrupt Court Enforcement Services. 'CES' had introduced a solicitor from bent solicitors Jacobson Browne Luke Berry was the criminal's name who attended the court. I was granted permission to submit further evidence and I requested that L..Berry produce certain documentary evidence in fact I was quite proud to show him up as being a plonker more later. Still being relatively naive about the procedures it later became clear that all these bums were playing me the judge told the solicitor to produce this evidence he never did. Then later I received a judgement from this bent judge throwing out my case. Further writing to the Court manager, will give this name in future what a waste of time. Then eventually onto a third bent judge the two so far are bent judges Griffiths and bent judge Payne now transferred to Plymouth to discover the third bent judge from Plymouth CC Court bent judge Leech. on every correspondence I kept asking what track the case was allocated by the bent judges they were too afraid to allocate a track as clearly criminal activities have occurred by EON, By defendants CES by their solicitors Browne Jacobson by the two judges in Brighton and now the three bent judges in Exeter and Plymouth. The latest from ex judge Leech (just prognosticating) is a demand for £1400 from Browne Jacobson extortionists and the case has been thrown out AGAIN third time. They never told me what track despite writing and telling me they would inform me. It is a legal requirement for them to tell me. The reason why these bent judges will ignore the law is that if they declare it is a small claim then they are committing misfeasance on a grand scale and could lead to their imprisonment. (I am aiming for this anyway). I am at a loss at which way to turn. I tried the higher courts but they would not entertain my case. So even the higher court judges are bent. My only solution at this time is to ask that if you have managed to read all this endless piece that you either agree with me or disagree. If you see that my case has merit and what I have written is only a small fraction of the true extent of the stress we have been put through. I would like you please to write to the Court Managers at Exeter Crown Court, Plymouth CC Court and Brighton CC court. Please ask them to tell me what TRACK DOES CASE F3QZ23MC BELONG IN? Please ask them to have the Judge Print his/ her name and sign the N24 General Form of Judgement and give his allocation. PLEASE DO THIS AS SO MANY PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR JOBS OR INCOME BECAUSE OF THIS PANDEMIC WILL BE VISITED BY THE CORRUPT ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS SENT FROM NCCBC NORTHAMPTON CORRUPT COURT BUSINESS CENTRE. STOP THEM NOW! You people in Northampton should be ashamed of yourselves now that I have informed you for permitting this criminal organisation to exist it brings great shame on you all. I have never been there and have no intention of ever going there and I hope that no one else goes until you clean up this bent company. Britain has our very own Gotham City in Northamptonshire. My wife suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and is in great pain most of the time not just because she is married to me (honestly) but she worries about me pursuing this ad infinitum I have NO intention of giving up. If people like me (idiot) let the criminals take over then our kids and society is finished. A coup is happening right now. Please write to the Court Managers above. You people who voted to leave the EU because of what Gove ordered the puppet Bogsie to do are now beginning to see what you did. No agreement with EU and we may break the International Law we will accept deals with the corrupt American food industry with the systemic weedkillers the antibiotics that will be in all the American flora and fauna imports. Worst of all we WILL lose the Human Rights Acts which will pave the way to all these bent judges doing what they like. At this moment in time we can complain and see if we can turn back the clock before bums like our MPs and 'et tu Gove' take over. I would rather go to gaol for the rest of my life than stand by and do nothing. They will continue with their coup it is exactly what these bums will do just ask Torquamador or whoever controls these bums. My Initial Solution
Please email me if you are a genuine dissenter like me and want to expose the corruption and bring in the first instance the bent judges into court. I cannot do this alone especially when the criminals hold all the brown paper envelopes. . Please email/ write to the papers the TV channels and ask them to investigate my claims do my claims have merit? They can easily find out who I am. I ain't afraid of the flack unless of course it becomes SKY or Fox news but I worry about the plonkers that might verbally or grievously attack my wife so I am trying to retain a little anonymity for her sake. Let us find out where the corrupt people named in my site live. Those of you who have suffered from these bent people and want to pay a visit to their homes and take a gentle stroll internally so that we can take notes and photographs of their possessions are welcome to join me when we find out their HOME addresses. Let us start with judges Leech, Plymouth CC, Payne and Griffiths Exeter CC then move on to Eon for the CEO and Mary Marriott. Then Court Enforcement Services. Then Browne Jacobson Solicitors Luke Berry et al. I do hope that the Russians are NOT coming for me as we do have a world class Cathedral here in Exeter and the clock is ticking. (Novichok leaves a paper chase..........). Please, forgive some of my banality but I am a cryptic crossword idiot and my thought processes do meander because of these corrupt our souls (9).
Name is James live in a really nice place in Devon UK called Exmouth (fabulous beach) hence the name ex-mouth.com in a speech bubble clever (?) courtesy of a Classical Liverpool education (oxymoron or what?). WHY I AM DOING THIS? There are several reasons why I am doing this my latest foray into the criminal Legal underworld occurred in November 2018. We were visited in our home by some enforcement agents in common parlance these thugs are aided and abetted by bent Judges. Please read my rationale and verify whether you think that these criminals were allowed to break in to our home. I have produced my second witness statement that I provided for the corrupt judges in Exeter CC Court. Forced to produce a second as Judge Griffiths (Exeter Court) is guilty of misfeasance the first Witness statement was for the equally corrupt Judge Payne, also from Exeter CC Court I am seeking custodial sentences for these two. These two criminals threw it out and then passed it on to another bent judge Leech in Plymouth CC Court I seek a custodial sentence for this judge . Judge Leech has now sent me a blackmail demand/ judgement for £1400 to bribe a solicitor I think or to bribe the original defendants. I do not know where this extortionist is spending this money sorry I mean sending. I name these judges as Judge Griffiths , judge Leech and their fellow Judge Payne. J'accuse them , mes amis in 'Dreyfus style' of being corrupt they are guilty of misfeasance and I openly challenge them to claim defamation and we can then have a trial in an open court with arbiters from some respected University or magistrates where the trial will be conducted under the professional administration of legal, erudite, academics NOT judges who are all bent. If found guilty me or them will be given custodial sentences as determined later in my site. Other Judges like judge Simpkiss and judge Venn both of these from Brighton CC Corrupt Court more on these later, I seek custodial sentences for these, also. There is no part of the establishment that we can say has integrity. The Legal system is corrupt. The Ombudsmen systems are corrupt. This might surprise you? Who do you think funds these criminal Ombudsmen systems? It is the very companies that you complain about, they fund them. Hardly independent? Yet the establishment allows and wants us all to be fooled into believing they have integrity......... impossible. The Police complaints authority this corrupt group changes it's name every couple of years. I won't put the present name as it will be changed in a couple of weeks time to, 'NowWe'refullofExCoppers' who have never perverted the course of justice or been caught as we are told. Insurance Companies like the Bristol based LV (DO NOT TOUCH) a corrupt company that does not honour the Legal Expenses Insurance. You will recall how Insurance companies a few years ago had supplied us with illegal endowment policies. They got away with it. Now they are NOT honouring contracts like the Legal Expenses Insurance move away from LV Insurers they are not from Liverpool but from Bristol. I will name the crooks in LV soon. LV of Bristol Insurers. You will recall how the Bankers like the RBS who almost brought the world to the biggest depression. Who bailed them out we all did. Are we all fools? Yes, they are corrupt and we pay for them. The Panama papers corruption. The Panama papers were released because all the dirty money was being transferred and washed in London and Panama were losing a revenue stream so they released the papers. The MPs expenses out and out corruption. Jack Straw ex MP telling Judges that they do not have to come clean about being a Freemason. If you know anyone from Straw's constituency ask them what they know about him. Tony Blair what a stalwart all those innocent people murdered because he was in the back pocket of that other great statesman Dubya the rendition that took place, the torture that took place. There were no weapons of mass destruction yet he had our Attorney General tell us that he had a lawful right to invade another country and murder people. We are supposed to abide by the Human rights Act and the Geneva Convention we do not. We will soon lose the Human Rights Act because you voted to come out of Europe and you voted Tory. Our freedoms are disappearing because we do not stand up. We should be more like the French 'mes amis' burn tyres. Release the Tortured Julian Assange when this pandemic eases we should all get in our cars at a set time and bombard the streets in different towns and cities to clog up the systems road network to get bent Judges out of the system. Our demands being listed release Assange, have academia modify our legal system to be legible and simpler, dismiss with immediate effect ALL Judges, modify the Ombudsman system dismiss all the existing ones. Academia to independently investigate our bent judges. Those judges that are tried in court and found guilty will be offered the choice of prison with a minimum 10 year term or a one year term at their own costs and any pension they were entitled to it be reduced by 75% 'sine die' if they agree the latter. The residue from the pension to be used to compensate the victims of their corruption and be used in defence of and to aid others who may be forced to employ bent solicitors or bent barristers. It may be easier to act as a litigant in person when the laws are rewritten. This must be done outwith the brothels of Parliament. My views are my own and I stand by them so those of you who believe our establishment is awash with the dregs of right wing corruption I hope you will support me when I end up in solitary confinement. Please do a better job than the one you are doing with Julian Assange. Could you please ask Bogsie not to mention to any other foreign power that I am a spy (as I am not -- honest Injun) as I do not relish the thought of extradition to Guantanamo where I might be forced to ingest disinfectant to clean my thoughts. Well done Bogsie regarding Nazareen. Another successful foray into diplomacy. Please read my witness statement and judge for yourself if crimes were committed by these thugs from Court Enforcement Services a criminal organisation aided and abetted by a corrupt judicial system under the so-called best Judges in the world. I will refer to my possibility of imprisonment for these judges at a later date. I have ideas that can only be implemented in a couple of years time where we can all get rid of our system and start afresh no more Party Politicians we do not need them. No Conservatives, no Labour no ....... . Our Politicians should have an academic background they must at the very least have a degree in Economics if they want to be the Chancellor or at the very least a criminal background in Fraud so we can all see their past achievements and make a judgement on whether they managed to run a Bank or Insurance company and did resort to at least an adequate money laundering job where they do not need to use such terminology as MIS-Selling and when we have to bail them out. To be successful they must cover their tracks more efficiently than thusfar, it really is quite shameful that we found out relatively easily that the system is corrupt. We cannot allow this ignominy to persist. it is not a terribly good show chaps, you let us all down in the corrupt Right Wing Premier League of Parliaments. It is not all doom you do have some great successes think about Hillsborough top notch in World of Misfeasance. Do away with the House of Lords turn it into a theme park were people can pay a fee for acting like a Lord (a plonker) for the day and swing the mace around like a cheerleader. My apologies for appearing to ridicule cheerleaders. We already have enough of them in government we are going like America with rent applause. I suppose it worked for the Donald and we ended up with our 'Boris' now known as 'Bogsie' (see Film Bellmarsh Redemption with Tim and Morgan Freemason et al). Could I ask what made people vote for such buffoons. Other parts of the UK have better facilities free prescriptions free University places yet us English people still insist on voting Tory, these other parts have very few Tories, hence they get more of the pie (the one John Prescot used to eat). We will never progress forward while you keep a party that wants to Conserve (for themselves). We have some great brains still in our country and we do not invest in them Tories are not capable of modernising ---- their rationale lives in the past with Borisachio (Much Ado about Novichok) and 'et tu Gove'. We still use Latin in our bent judicial system this is to keep all us fools in the mushroom syndrome. The judicial system needs modernising and capable of being translated into English some notable visionaries like poor William Caxton who was press ganged and stoned to death (I think) and Lex Luther (I think) tried to translate the Latin text but was forced to eat Worms. Get the Statutes, Acts and Laws translated into English that benefits us the people and NOT BENT SOLICITORS, BENT BARRISTERS AND BENT JUDGES. Sorry digressed a bit there. Once again here is my witness statement. COMING SOON Please click on shortened version of Particulars of Claim POC which is being disregarded by the Bent judges Leech, Payne, Griffiths, Venn and Simpkiss. POC coming soon.
Name is James live in a really nice place in Devon UK called Exmouth (fabulous beach) hence the name ex-mouth.com in a speech bubble clever (?) courtesy of a Classics Liverpool education (oxymoron or what?). WHY I AM DOING THIS? There are several reasons why I am doing this my latest foray into the criminal Legal underworld occurred in November 2018. We were visited in our home by some enforcement agents in common parlance these thugs are aided and abetted by bent Judges. Please read my rationale and verify whether you think that these criminals were allowed to break in to our home. I have produced my second witness statement that I provided for the corrupt judges in Exeter CC Court. Forced to produce a second as Judge Griffiths (Exeter Court) is guilty of misfeasance the first Witness statement was for the equally corrupt Judge Payne, also from Exeter CC Court I am seeking custodial sentences for these two. These two criminals threw it out and then passed it on to another bent judge Leech in Plymouth CC Court I seek a custodial sentence for this judge . Judge Leech has now sent me a blackmail demand/ judgement for £1400 to bribe a solicitor I think or to bribe the original defendants. I do not know where this extortionist is spending this money sorry I mean sending. I name these judges as Judge Griffiths , judge Leech and their fellow Judge Payne. J'accuse them , mes amis in 'Dreyfus style' of being corrupt they are guilty of misfeasance and I openly challenge them to claim defamation and we can then have a trial in an open court with arbiters from some respected University or magistrates where the trial will be conducted under the professional administration of legal, erudite, academics NOT judges who are all bent. If found guilty me or them will be given custodial sentences as determined later in my site. Other Judges like judge Simpkiss and judge Venn both of these from Brighton CC Corrupt Court more on these later, I seek custodial sentences for these, also. There is no part of the establishment that we can say has integrity. The Legal system is corrupt. The Ombudsmen systems are corrupt. This might surprise you? Who do you think funds these criminal Ombudsmen systems? It is the very companies that you complain about, they fund them. Hardly independent? Yet the establishment allows and wants us all to be fooled into believing they have integrity......... impossible. The Police complaints authority this corrupt group changes it's name every couple of years. I won't put the present name as it will be changed in a couple of weeks time to, 'NowWe'refullofExCoppers' who have never perverted the course of justice or been caught as we are told. Insurance Companies like the Bristol based LV (DO NOT TOUCH) a corrupt company that does not honour the Legal Expenses Insurance. You will recall how Insurance companies a few years ago had supplied us with illegal endowment policies. They got away with it. Now they are NOT honouring contracts like the Legal Expenses Insurance move away fro LV Insurers they are not from Liverpool but from Bristol. I will name the crooks in LV soon. LV of Bristol Insurers. You will recall how the Bankers like the RBS who almost brought the world to the biggest depression. Who bailed them out we all did. Are we all fools? Yes, they are corrupt and we pay for them. The Panama papers corruption. The Panama papers were released because all the dirty money was being transferred and washed in London and Panama were losing a revenue stream so they released the papers. The MPs expenses out and out corruption. Jack Straw ex MP telling Judges that they do not have to come clean about being a Freemason. If you know anyone from Straw's constituency ask them what they know about him. Tony Blair what a stalwart all those innocent people murdered because he was in the back pocket of that other great statesman Dubya the rendition that took place, the torture that took place. There were no weapons of mass destruction yet he had our Attorney General tell us that he had a lawful right to invade another country and murder people. We are supposed to abide by the Human rights Act and the Geneva Convention we do not. We will soon lose the Human Rights Act because you voted to come out of Europe and you voted Tory. Our freedoms are disappearing because we do not stand up. We should be more like the French 'mes amis' burn tyres. Release the Tortured Julian Assange when this pandemic eases we should all get in our cars at a set time and bombard the streets in different towns and cities to clog up the systems road network to get bent Judges out of the system. Our demands being listed release Assange, have academia modify our legal system to be legible and simpler, dismiss with immediate effect ALL Judges, modify the Ombudsman system dismiss all the existing ones. Academia to independently investigate our bent judges. Those judges that are tried in court and found guilty will be offered the choice of prison with a minimum 10 year term or a one year term at their own costs and any pension they were entitled to it be reduced by 75% 'sine die' if they agree the latter. The residue from the pension to be used to compensate the victims of their corruption and be used in defence of and to aid others who may be forced to employ bent solicitors or bent barristers. It may be easier to act as a litigant in person when the laws are rewritten. This must be done outwith the brothels of Parliament. My views are my own and I stand by them so those of you who believe our establishment is awash with the dregs of right wing corruption I hope you will support me when I end up in solitary confinement. Please do a better job than the one you are doing with Julian Assange. Could you please ask Bogsie not to mention to any other foreign power that I am a spy (as I am not -- honest Injun) as I do not relish the thought of extradition to Guantanamo where I might be forced to ingest disinfectant to clean my thoughts. Well done Bogsie regarding Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe added a couple of years to her imprisonment another successful foray into diplomacy what a credit to private education this buffoon is. Please read my witness statement and judge for yourself if crimes were committed by these thugs from Court Enforcement Services a criminal organisation aided and abetted by a corrupt judicial system under the so-called best Judges in the world. I will refer to my possibility of imprisonment for these judges at a later date. I have ideas that can only be implemented in a couple of years time where we can all get rid of our system and start afresh no more Party Politicians we do not need them. No Conservatives, no Labour no ....... . Our Politicians should have an academic background they must at the very least have a degree in Economics if they want to be the Chancellor or at the very least a criminal background in Fraud so we can all see their past achievements and make a judgement on whether they managed to run a Bank or Insurance company and did resort to at least an adequate money laundering job where they do not need to use such terminology as MIS-Selling and when we have to bail them out. To be successful they must cover their tracks more efficiently than thusfar, it really is quite shameful that we found out relatively easily that the system is corrupt. We cannot allow this ignominy to persist. it is not a terribly good show chaps, you let us all down in the corrupt Right Wing Premier League of Parliaments. It is not all doom you do have some great successes think about Hillsborough top notch in World of Misfeasance. Do away with the House of Lords turn it into a theme park were people can pay a fee for acting like a Lord (a plonker) for the day and swing the mace around like a cheerleader. My apologies for appearing to ridicule cheerleaders. We already have enough of them in government we are going like America with rent applause. I suppose it worked for the Donald and we ended up with our 'Boris' now known as 'Bogsie' (see Film Bellmarsh Redemption with Tim and Morgan Freemason et al). Could I ask what made people vote for such buffoons. Other parts of the UK have better facilities free prescriptions free University places yet us English people still insist on voting Tory, these other parts have very few Tories, hence they get more of the pie (the one John Prescot used to eat). We will never progress forward while you keep a party that wants to Conserve (for themselves). We have some great brains still in our country and we do not invest in them Tories are not capable of modernising ---- their rationale lives in the past with Borisachio (Much Ado about Novichok) and 'et tu Gove'. We still use Latin in our bent judicial system this is to keep all us fools in the mushroom syndrome. The judicial system needs modernising and capable of being translated into English some notable visionaries like poor William Caxton who was press ganged and stoned to death (I think) and Lex Luther (I think) tried to translate the Latin text but was forced to eat Worms. Get the Statutes, Acts and Laws translated into English that benefits us the people and NOT BENT SOLICITORS, BENT BARRISTERS AND BENT JUDGES. Sorry digressed a bit there. Once again here is my witness statement. COMING SOON Please click on shortened version of Particulars of Claim POC which is being disregarded by the Bent judges Leech, Payne, Griffiths, Venn and Simpkiss. POC coming soon. Contact Email Address contact@ex-mouth.com |